пятница, 31 января 2020 г.


It does not use Ogre default - it uses Ogre 1. I just can't make cmake to configure the ogitor with the current setup My current setup for building ogitor is Ogitor: It's really just turtles all the way down, and you're missing a turtle. I am using Visual Studio Community now. Asked 9 years ago. ogitor

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Ogre Forums

By moeen k Started September How I can repair it? Try that tomorrow, have to go now.


Improving the question-asking experience. Create an account for your GameDev Portfolio and participate in the largest developer community in the games industry.

CMake for ogitor - General and Gameplay Programming -

Email Required, but never shown. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for ogior and your coworkers to find and share information. Thanks Jack Edited June 9, by luckyb. Post as a guest Name. By Cortablo Started September Compiling Ogitor with mingw Ask Question.

This seems strange to me because I used to successfully finish building it to the end. What version of CMake are you using? Ogitor doesn't using MinGW at all.

Last part of mingwmake's log: Try and see if deleting the CMake ogihor and reconfiguring does the trick. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. The version is 3.

Ogitor 0.4.4

Asked 9 years ago. Sign In Sign Ogitr. Maybe there's just a typo. The scripts needs at least CMake 2. I am using Visual Studio Community now. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Thanks a lot Jack. How do we handle problem users? But I was using Ogre 1.

ogitor | Ludum Dare

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Sorry, I am unable to ask questions in ogre forum yet.


It's really just turtles all the way down, and you're missing a turtle. I just can't make cmake to configure the ogitor with the current setup My current setup for building ogitor is Ogitor: So please bear with me. The program compilation configure by CMake use boost, ogre.


By luckybJune 9, in General and Gameplay Programming. Really, with MSVC project compiled without problems. General and Gameplay Programming.

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